OpenRPG Plugin HQ

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//plugins/General Purpose

This is where OpenRPG plugins are made available. You can use your browser's search function (usually CTRL+F) to find a specific plugin, or you can browse plugins by category.

To use a plugin, you first have to have OpenRPG 1.6.3 or higher. If you do not have 1.6.3, you must upgrade before you can use plugins. The plugins on this site may or may not work with patched versions of older clients, so OpenRPG versions less than 1.6.3 are not supported. Sorry!

Once you've started the correct version of OpenRPG, Tools > Plugins should bring up the Plugin Control Panel, where you can use the checkboxes in order to enable the plugins. Be sure to use the Plugin Info button to find out how to use each individual plugin. Be careful, because sometimes plugins conflict (for example, Idle Time and NowPlaying) which can cause undesirable results, though problems are usually minor. If you want, you can set up some plugins to automatically load when you start OpenRPG by going to Main > Plugins Loaded on Startup.

To install a plugin you have downloaded, just extract the file to the plugins/ directory of OpenRPG. If you have OpenRPG running, you can hit Update List to refresh the list so you can then enable the plugin. A caution: plugins run some code when read into the list, so if you have a plugin from a source you don't trust, don't even put it in your /plugins folder, or else any code in that plugin will be run when you start OpenRPG.

download last update author default? description
xxautogreet 2005-11-05 mDuo13 No Greets someone whenever they enter the room. Try not to annoy people with it.
xxemote 2005-04-28 Woody, mDuo13 No Changes your emotes to the be the same color as your regular text. Also keeps track of other people's text colors, and colorizes their emotes to be the same color as their text.
xxfontchng 2005-09-22 mDuo13 Yes Allows you to make your own text appear with a personalized font. Only people who have the font will be able to see it.
xxnamechange 2005-04-28 mDuo13 No Provides a /myname command that lets you change your name to something without a length limit. Good for names with lots of HTML in them.
xxnamesound 2005-11-06 mDuo13 No Makes a sound whenever your name is said in chat. You can also add nicknames to trigger it.
xxsavewindow 2005-09-22 mDuo13 Yes Saves and restores the position of OpenRPG's main window whenever you close and reopen it. Has to be enabled to save the position, and has to be set to load on startup to restore the position.
xxspell 2005-11-06 Woody, mDuo13 Yes Automatically corrects a few common spelling errors. You can edit the plugin to change what it corrects.
xxstatus 2005-03-09 Woody, mDuo13 Yes Puts the number of minutes since you last spoke into your status. You can also set a special status for when you're idle 1 minute or more.
xxurl2link 2005-10-30 tdb30_, mDuo13 Yes Automatically converts URLs into clickable links.
xxwhispr 2005-07-06 Woody Yes Creates an alias whisper (/a) function that lets you whisper to people by name instead of ID#.
The OpenRPG Plugin HQ by mDuo13
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